Friday, July 27, 2007

Political B.S.

I don't really want this blog to be about politics (especially local ones), but I heard something today that I had to comment on and I think it speaks volumes on the current political scene!

I don't mind when politician lie - I expect them to lie! But I'm disappointed when they lie badly!

Today, there was a story in the L.A. Times about how a county superviser was, allegedly, not actually living in the district she represents! Certainly, that's a problem if it's true, but that's not the outrageous part of the story! What really disturbed me was her attempt at an excuse....

She said that her townhouse in the district was being remodeled, but that she does spend most of her days there! She claims she only stays in her million dollar mansion at night! That's her alibi???

First off, I want to assume that during the day she is in her office! I really hope she ain't lying around watching "People's Court!" How much time is she really spending at either of her homes during the day??

Secondly, the area she represents is one of the poorer sections of Los Angeles while the area where she has her other residence is one of the nicer areas of town. We've all seen "COPS"...don't most crimes happen at night? There are areas of every major city in the country where people tell you "Don't go there at night!" Sure, crime still happens in broad daylight, but more crime probably happens under the shadow of night! Isn't that exactly the time of day she should be in the lower income area that she represents?

It makes me long for the days of Richard Nixon. Sure, he was a crook, but he surrounded himself with some pretty brillant minds and when he came up with a lot of b.s. atleast it was well thought out!

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