Thursday, May 12, 2011

There's More For Your Life - at Sears!

I just heard on the news that Sears will no longer be selling porn on their website! Now where will I go for all of my hard core needs? Doesn't this major corporate decision raise more questions than it answers?

I know I was not aware that Sear was selling adult dvds. This was not a case of some disgruntled employee slipping a copy of "Wanda Whips Wall Street" into a "Mulan" case. Some corporate genius decided that it would be a good idea for Sears, an established retail icon with a large conservative clientele, to start selling a controversial item that is available everywhere else on the internet!

Did anyone know Sears was selling porn? "Well, as long as I'm shopping for a new washing machine...let me see if I can find some porn while I'm here."

And who would think to look for porn on the Sears website? Isn't that like saying, "Gee, I'm in the market for some Craftsman Tools - the first place I'm looking for them is at the Carvel Ice Cream Store!"

Once upon a time, the Sears catalogue was as close to porn as a 14 year old buy could get, but not only are those days long gone, I wasn't even sure Sears was still in business!

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