Saturday, July 2, 2011

My Brush With the Big Man

I have been devasted since I heard the news of the death of Clarence Clemmons. Fortunately, I did have an interesting experience meeting him several years ago.

He was doing a signing for a solo record he had just released and was appearing at a bookstore on the The Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica. I don't remember if it was actually during the summer, but it was very hot outside that day. I had this idea for a picture with him that I thought would make a great Christmas card.

I waited patiently in line until I finally got to meet him. Naturally, he was bigger than life and all smiles. He was very gracious when I asked him if I could take a picture with him. "Sure," he replied with a big old grin and stood up to pose with me. It was then that I whipped out my black leather jacket that I had been carrying around in the heat all day. I don't think Clarence even got it at first, but the rest of the crowd sure did as they errupted in laughter. I asked Clarence if we could do the "Born To Run" pose and he was more than willing to accomodate me - once I reminded him which side he was supposed to be standing.

You certainly made my Christmas that year!

R.I.P. Big Man

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