Saturday, July 2, 2011

My Brush With the Big Man

I have been devasted since I heard the news of the death of Clarence Clemmons. Fortunately, I did have an interesting experience meeting him several years ago.

He was doing a signing for a solo record he had just released and was appearing at a bookstore on the The Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica. I don't remember if it was actually during the summer, but it was very hot outside that day. I had this idea for a picture with him that I thought would make a great Christmas card.

I waited patiently in line until I finally got to meet him. Naturally, he was bigger than life and all smiles. He was very gracious when I asked him if I could take a picture with him. "Sure," he replied with a big old grin and stood up to pose with me. It was then that I whipped out my black leather jacket that I had been carrying around in the heat all day. I don't think Clarence even got it at first, but the rest of the crowd sure did as they errupted in laughter. I asked Clarence if we could do the "Born To Run" pose and he was more than willing to accomodate me - once I reminded him which side he was supposed to be standing.

You certainly made my Christmas that year!

R.I.P. Big Man

Thursday, May 12, 2011

There's More For Your Life - at Sears!

I just heard on the news that Sears will no longer be selling porn on their website! Now where will I go for all of my hard core needs? Doesn't this major corporate decision raise more questions than it answers?

I know I was not aware that Sear was selling adult dvds. This was not a case of some disgruntled employee slipping a copy of "Wanda Whips Wall Street" into a "Mulan" case. Some corporate genius decided that it would be a good idea for Sears, an established retail icon with a large conservative clientele, to start selling a controversial item that is available everywhere else on the internet!

Did anyone know Sears was selling porn? "Well, as long as I'm shopping for a new washing machine...let me see if I can find some porn while I'm here."

And who would think to look for porn on the Sears website? Isn't that like saying, "Gee, I'm in the market for some Craftsman Tools - the first place I'm looking for them is at the Carvel Ice Cream Store!"

Once upon a time, the Sears catalogue was as close to porn as a 14 year old buy could get, but not only are those days long gone, I wasn't even sure Sears was still in business!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Baldwins

I just realized it was Thursday night so in honor of the NBC "Must See" TV line-up...I thought I'd write about my experience with two of the Baldwin Brothers, Daniel and Alec.

I worked with Daniel Baldwin once on a movie in Texas. Daniel Baldwin has had many well publicized stints in rehab over the years, but I saw no sign of any trouble during this shoot. He was not exactly a "ball of laughs," but he was professional and kept to himself. The most interesting thing I remember about working with him was actually not really about him, but more about his assistant. We had no idea he was bringing an assistant until he showed up on set with a guy who introduced himself as "Sky Vermicelli!" I don't care if that wasn't his real name. That was how he introduced himself and that's what we called him for the next 6 weeks!

I encountered Alec several years when I was working in a book store in Studio City, California. The store was very popular with celebrities because of its close proximity to several major studios. The store was actually a converted movie theater. It was part of the "Barnes & Noble" family, but because of its limited size we didn't have a music department or a cafe. We were a book store that only sold books!

It must have been around Christmas because the store was packed. The cash registers were right by the front door and I distinctly remember there was a long line of customers. I was waiting on one of these customers when I suddenly heard this deep, booming voice ask,

"Do you sell DVDS?"

The voice came from the front of the store and didn't seem to care that there was a long line of other customers patiently waiting their turn. My first thought was, "Great, who is this jerk with the distinctive voice." It actually didn't register for me at first that it was Alec Baldwin, but as soon as I looked up there was no mistaking that this guy who had not even bothered to say, "Excuse Me," was a very imposing, charasmatic figure. There was no way you could miss this guy even if he was not famous. I told him we didn't and continued to complete my transaction with the customer in front of me.

He must have decided to look around anyway because a few minutes later he was standing in front of my register with his daughter. Yes, the daughter that had been at the center of a bitter custody dispute with his ex-wife, Kim Bassinger, several years before and several years later would be the recipient of an angry, embarrassing rant from her father. I rang up his purchase and now we're at the point where I was required to ask if he had "Barnes & Noble" discount card.

He thought for a moment and his reaction was priceless. He looked over at his daughter and said to me, "I...I think her mother might have one somewhere."

I played a long as I was required to do and asked, "Would you like me to look it up by a phone number?"

He really thought about it for a moment and then shook his head.


It was obvious, in so many ways, that he didn't want to go there!

Brush With Greatness....David Letterman

David Letterman used to have a segment on his show called "Brush With Greatness" where studio audience members would tell about various encourters with assorted celebrities so in honor of Dave himself....I thought I'd begin this series with "My David Letterman Story."

I interned for him many years ago when he was still at NBC. I was assigned to the "Visuals Deptartment" who were responsible for all of the special graphics he used to use on the show back then. Ironically, one of my bosses there went on to be the announcer for "The Tonight Show" with Jay Leno, Ed Hall. I was only there two days a week and most of my time was spent outside of the office running around town picking up stock movies and celebrity headshots. This was in the dark days before the internet. I had little direct contact with Dave the entire semester I interned there. Some of the other interns there with me went on to work for the show, but not me because, I believe, they had more opportunity to stay at their desk and shmooze.

I interned the following semester in the NBC Travel Department and then managed to get a temporary job for the summer as a NBC Telephone Operator. Believe it or not, they still had a live switch board 24 hours a day at NBC, but it was slowly being phased out even back then. Fortunately, both the Travel Department and the Telephone Room were on the same side of 30 Rock as the "Late Night" office so I would still run into people from the show on the elevator.

One day I found myself on the elevator with several older women who worked with me in the phone room and David Letterman. His office was located on the 14th floor and the Telephone Room was located directly above him on 15. It was almost the end of summer and one of the operators asked me what I was planning on doing once this temp assignment ended. Dave stood there silently listening.

"So," one of them said, "Have you started looking for another job yet? Do you have any plans?"

"No," I replied, "I just thought maybe I might get into selling crack to school kids."

Obviously, I was joking because crack was a big deal in the news at the time. They chuckled, but Dave remained silent.

The doors open on 15 and that's when I realized Dave had forgotten to get off at his stop so I turned to him as I exited.

"I think you missed your floor, Dave" I said.

"I forgot," he replied, "I was so busy listening to your story."

I smiled as the door closed behind me. I had actually gotten a laugh out of David Letterman!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The New York Giants

Congratualtions to the New York Giants on their recent Super Bowl victory! Today, there will be a "giant" parade in New York City to hail the new champs, but there's one problem with this scene - the New YORK Giants play in New JERSEY! They have played in New Jersey for almost 30 years! Sure, East Rutherford, New Jersey is part of the New Yory City metro area, but it is not New Jersey! Contrary to the beliefs of many New Yorkers, New Jersey is not the 6th borough! We even have our own governor!

I'm not really much of a football fan, but when the Giants won the Super Bowl back in the late '80's, there was no parade in New York City. The only ceremony they had was in New Jersey at Giants Stadium (I know because I was there!) Why they didn't have a parade in New York City - I don't know! The Giants won another Super Bowl a few years later, but I was living in Los Angeles so I don't know what they did then. Now they're having a ceremony today at Giants Stadium that probably will receive little media coverage compared to the festivities in New York. Why does one Super Bowl victory merit a parade in New York and another Super Bowl victory does not?

In Los Angeles, where I lived for almost 20 years, they have a similar problem. The "California Angels" became the "Anaheim Angels" until a few years ago when a new team owner decided to change the official name of the team to "The Los Angeles Angeles of Anaheim!" How ridicuolous! Anaheim is not even in Los Angeles County and how dare some team owner decide that a team is playing in a different city when we all know darn well the stadium has not moved! As someone from New Jersey, I sympathize with the Anaheim fans.

And now there's talk that the city of Hoboken should do something special for Eli Manning because he lived in Hoboken! He's not from New Jersey...his team is ashamed to admit they play in New Jersey...and they play in East Rutherford! Why should Hoboken do anything for him?

Not to mention the fact that, I believe, the Giants have been angling for a new stadium - presumably to be built in New Jersey! I urge the state of New Jersey to put its foot down! If you want to receive tax breaks from the state of New Jersey to build a new stadium - then let the rest of the country know you actually play in New Jersey!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Michael Vick

The thing that bothers me the most about this whole Michael Vick case is not the obvious. It's not the fact that raising dogs for fighting and killing them is completely disgusting and wrong in anybody's book. The thing that bothers me the most is here is a guy making $15 million a year and the best thing he can think to spend his money - dare I even use the word invest - is to fund a dog fighting ring! I don't begrudge Michael Vick for making that kind of money and he can do whatever he wants with his money, but with all of the people in this country struggling to make ends meet, with all of the worthwile charities there are in this country doing good work, and all of the other things he could do with his millions - this is what he chooses to do? You don't see Bill Gates or Richard Branson funding dog fighting rings! These are guys who enjoy their money and they give back to society! Hey, Michael - have you ever heard the word "vacation?" Have you ever heard the word "mutual funds?" Are you that bored with your money or are you that stupid that you think this is your idea of a good investment?

Some people have come out in the media and defended Vick's need to make a living. I don't disagree with that and I know Michael Vick is a realitively young man, but if he's been making several million dollars for the past few years and was investing his money wisely, he wouldn't have to worry about making a living! What if he had injured himself? What if he had so severely injured himself that he could never play football again - what would he be living on then?

And now he apologizes because he realizes dog fighting was wrong - he just realized that now? Where and how was this guy raised? Ignorance of the law is no excuse! Would it be okay for him to kill somebody just because nobody bothered to tell him it was wrong!

We all make mistakes, but please don't insult us Michael Vick!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Political B.S.

I don't really want this blog to be about politics (especially local ones), but I heard something today that I had to comment on and I think it speaks volumes on the current political scene!

I don't mind when politician lie - I expect them to lie! But I'm disappointed when they lie badly!

Today, there was a story in the L.A. Times about how a county superviser was, allegedly, not actually living in the district she represents! Certainly, that's a problem if it's true, but that's not the outrageous part of the story! What really disturbed me was her attempt at an excuse....

She said that her townhouse in the district was being remodeled, but that she does spend most of her days there! She claims she only stays in her million dollar mansion at night! That's her alibi???

First off, I want to assume that during the day she is in her office! I really hope she ain't lying around watching "People's Court!" How much time is she really spending at either of her homes during the day??

Secondly, the area she represents is one of the poorer sections of Los Angeles while the area where she has her other residence is one of the nicer areas of town. We've all seen "COPS"...don't most crimes happen at night? There are areas of every major city in the country where people tell you "Don't go there at night!" Sure, crime still happens in broad daylight, but more crime probably happens under the shadow of night! Isn't that exactly the time of day she should be in the lower income area that she represents?

It makes me long for the days of Richard Nixon. Sure, he was a crook, but he surrounded himself with some pretty brillant minds and when he came up with a lot of b.s. atleast it was well thought out!